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Small business


The Year Ahead

I don’t really like to make the dreaded “New Year’s Resolutions.” Who ever sticks to them? By the middle of the month or even the end of the month if we are lucky, they are abandoned. It is just easier to stick to the same old, same old, isn’t it?

I prefer to think of things I want to accomplish. More of a goal than a resolution.

With that in mind, I have some goals for 2024.

I devoted a lot of energy to getting side businesses off the ground in 2023. The Gift Over Yourself shop on Etsy was a complete disaster. I took it offline on 12/31/23. I am not going to waste any more time or money on that venture.

After my mom passed away, we had a tremendous amount of stuff to sort through. Anyone who has been through the process knows what that’s like. Seeing how she accumulated so much made me think about all the stuff I had. I intend to spend 2024 culling my collectibles and listing them on eBay.

My stuff isn’t worth millions of dollars (unfortunately). For example, I have about a million dalmatian dog figurines - not because I collected them. I had a dalmatian once, and my parents thought I would LOVE dalmatian stuff. Why not make a little money, which I need, and give someone else the opportunity to enjoy something? I bet someone out there does collect dalmatian stuff - you never know!

I started a second blog, 52 Things. This year, I will offer tips and tricks gleaned from my years at a wealth management firm and, well, my life. We old dogs learn a lot. Time to share the knowledge. You can find the blog on this website.

Speaking of knowledge, wow, I have learned SO MUCH. I look forward to learning even more about marketing in the digital age, graphic design, and similar creative topics in the coming year.

It’s also time to look for a job. I work extremely hard now on the website, blogs, eBay, books, et cetera. Unfortunately, these endeavors do not provide the income I need. It is time to see what’s out there. Don’t worry; even if I am lucky enough to find a job, I still intend to pursue all of these projects.

Last but certainly not least – I will return to the world of the Through the Mist series. I have dabbled a bit in recent weeks on a collection of short stories, based upon three characters from that world. The stories might turn into a book for next Christmas. The characters are also whispering to me about the sixth book in the series, so I have some good ideas there. (No, hearing voices in this case is not a sign of mental health issues. It’s part of my process.)

Here's to accomplishing our goals in 2024. Slainté!



Battle with Technology

Recently, I have faced a battle with technology. I am not referring to the emergent threat of artificial intelligence (AI). Much has been said about AI’s threat to all professions, particularly creative endeavors. No, I refer to the battle with algorithms.

Algorithms determine one’s placement on websites, in searches, et cetera. They are the engine that drives people to a product. People devote entire careers to optimizing descriptions and other items so that a mysterious algorithm gives choice placement to the product.

Don’t have a lot of sales (like, millions)? Don’t have millions of followers? Don’t use the right keywords? Don’t have a big corporation backing you? Well, good luck to you! Getting noticed by the algorithm becomes less about the quality of your product and more of a popularity contest. Geez, it’s high school all over again!

Of course, I speak from experience. I have noticed random issues with my books on Amazon’s site. Sometimes, you must click “books” as the category in the search bar . Sometimes, you can type the title in the search bar and find the book right away. Or, on a particular day, you must be ultra precise. I have heard that you cannot type “Wooly.” You need the second “L” in the title Love at the Woolly Bookworm Shop. There is no standard pattern. It varies from day to day.

Small businesses deserve notice. What can you do when you hear about a great product and cannot find it? Be patient. Keep looking. Contact the business owner. Don’t give up! Until the business owner generates enough “likes” or sales, they will remain buried in the algorithm. They need your support.

As we move into the busy holiday shopping season, it is important to highlight the issue. Sure, I would love more sales. This post is really for all small business owners. It is hard enough to do business with rising costs from materials to vendor fees. They produce a quality product. They don’t need a phantom algorithm hiding it. Help us all by supporting your favorite small business.
